
Personal Injury Misconceptions with Richard Schwartz & Associates
Patrick Wooten from Richard Schwartz & Associates joins our host to help answer questions on common misconceptions about hiring a personal injury lawyer. Watch now to learn more! Information Richard Schwartz & Associates, P.A. Located in Tupelo, MS 601-869-0696 https://www.1call.ms/locations/tupelo/

Peripheral Neuropathy with Chiropractic Physicians Center of Tupelo
Peripheral neuropathy can cause numbness in the hands and feet. Dr. Andy Barlow explains to our host, Rachel Hurt, more about symptoms of peripheral neuropathy and treatment options. Watch now to find out how Chiropractic Physicians Center of Tupelo can help! Information: Chiropractic Physicians Center of Tupelo Located in...

Riverstone Phase 2 Update with Homes by Frye
With Phase 2 at Riverstone almost complete, Kenny Frye with Homes by Frye joins our host, Rachel Hurt, to discuss the next steps, the almost-completed rentals, and why now is a great time to buy. Watch now to learn more! Information: Homes by Frye Located in Columbus, MS 662-327-6900...

Gastroenterology Associates on Colitis
Dr. William Gillespie and Dr. Ricky Johnston from Gastroenterology Associates of Columbus discuss Colitis, its symptom, and its treatment options. Gastroenterology Associates – columbusgi.com Columbus location: 600 Leigh Drive Columbus, MS 39705 (662)327-7525 Starkville location: 2 Professional Plaza Starkville, MS 39759 (662)324-1288

Obstructive Sleep Apnea with Omnis Health Clinic
Host Rachel Hurt is joined by Heather Holloway and Amanda Fondren from Omnis Health Clinic to discuss what obstructive sleep apnea is, symptoms individuals may experience, and the effects of the condition. Omnis Health Clinic: 34 Glenwood Drive Columbus, MS 39705 (662) 570-1166 omnisclinic.com

Mediation with Crowell Gillis & Cooper
Mediation is all about compromise. Attorney Will Cooper with Crowell Gillis & Cooper joins our host to discuss the details of mediation. Watch now to learn more! INFORMATION: Crowell Gillis & Cooper, PLLC Located in Columbus, MS 662-243-7308 http://www.cgclawpllc.com/

Skin Cancer with Vitality Dermatology
Dr. Bethany Hairston from Vitality Dermatology joins our host, Rachel Hurt, to discuss skin cancer, its treatment options and how to prevent it. Watch now to learn more! INFORMATION: Vitality Dermatology - www.vitalitydermatology.com 274 Leigh Drive Columbus, MS 39705 (662) 328-3375 321 University Drive Starkville, MS 39759 (662) 323-5377

The Immune System with Robert’s Apothecary
Robert White from Robert's Apothecary joins our host, Rachel Hurt, to discuss how stress influences the immune system and what you can do to strengthen yours. Watch now to learn more! INFORMATION: Robert’s Apothecary 2219 5th Street N – Columbus, MS 39705 (662) 327-5400 robertsapothecaryms.com